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英文名称: Cambodia Bayon Airlines
三字码: 688
城市: 金边


2014年4月,在中国航空工业集团及柬埔寨王国政府的大力推动下,(柬埔寨)巴戎航空有限公司正式挂牌成立,总部及运营基地设在柬埔寨首都金边。With the unremitting efforts of CHINA AVIC Group and strong support of Cambodia government, Cambodia Bayon Airlines was established in April 2014, with its headquarter and main hub in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.作为中国首家在海外投资设立、以运营国产民机为主的航空公司,巴戎航空引进全新的新舟60机队,致力于打造中国国产飞机海外运营的示范平台。As the first Chinese airline company that is established overseas and mainly operates Chinese civil aircrafts MA60, Bayon Airlines introduced brand new MA60 fleet, committed to building a demonstration platform of domestic aircraft overseas operation.经过3年的持续发展,巴戎航空已发展成为东盟地区最具特色的航空公司之一。航线网络覆盖柬埔寨国内三大国际机场,并延伸至越南,是首家使用持有CAAC颁发适航证的国产飞机运营国际航线的航空公司。截止目前(2017年11月),已累计开通国内国际航线5条,执飞航班3685架次,承运旅客9.33万人次。凭借良好的服务品质与运营品质,深受广大旅客的信赖与喜爱。After 3 years’ development, Bayon Airlines has grown into one of the most distinctive airlines in ASEAN region. The route network covers three major international airports in Cambodia, and extends to Vietnam. It is the first airline that operates international routes with Chinese made MA60 under airworthiness certificate issued by CAAC. Bayon Airlines has launched five international and domestic flight routes, operating 3,685 flights and carrying 93,300 passengers by the end of November 2017. With premium service and operation, we are trusted and favored by passengers.自成立以来,巴戎航空在保证航空安全与提升服务品质方面做了不懈的努力,2016年配合柬埔寨民航局完成ICAO审计,安全运行管理与国际接轨。目前已累计安全飞行超过3500小时,准点率98%,并创造了单架飞机全年无停场的优良纪录。Since its inauguration, Cambodia Bayon Airlines has made relentless efforts on guaranteeing aviation safety and improving service quality. In 2016 Bayon assisted the State Secretariat of Civil Aviation in passing the ICAO audit and successfully aligned its safety operation practice with international standards. Bayon Airlines has accumulated more than 3500 safe flight hours, kept a punctuality rate of 98%, and created a record of nonstop operation all year round of the single aircraft.巴戎航空重视人才队伍建设,构建了国际化的飞行员团队,本地化的乘务员团队,专业的维修工程及运控团队,他们以保驾护航为己任,时刻守护每一个航班。Bayon Airlines emphasizes on talents recruiting and team building. It has an international pilots team, a localized crew team and a professional engineering and OCC team, who take the escort as their duty and make their best effort to guard each flight.巴戎航空始终秉承着“FOR YOU, WITH YOU ,ABOUT YOU”的服务理念,致力于为广大旅客提供安全、舒适、便捷的服务。舒适的客舱环境、实用的机上餐食,便捷的客服热线,巴戎航空官网,覆盖全球的销售渠道,全方位满足旅客的各项需求。Bayon Airlines has always been adhering to the service concept of “FOR YOU, WITH YOU, ABOUT YOU” by providing safe, comfortable and convenient service for passengers. With comfortable cabin environment, tasty in-flight meals, convenient customer hotline, official website and global distribution channel, it satisfies passengers’ requirements from all respects.作为中航工业旗下子公司,巴戎航空在追求自身稳定发展的同时,积极承担企业的社会责任,培养了大批民航相关专业的从业人员,为柬埔寨民航事业的发展做出巨大的贡献。As subsidiary of CHINA AVIC group, Bayon Airlines never forget to fulfill its corporate social responsibility while pursuing stable development. Bayon helps cultivate a large number of civil aviation professionals and contributes greatly to the development of Cambodia’s civil aviation industry.未来,巴戎航空将进一步响应中国“一带一路”的发展政策,抓住柬埔寨民航事业快速发展的战略机遇,加快国际化的步伐,通过构建以柬埔寨为中心,辐射东盟的航线网络,巴戎航空致力于实现区域内空中交通无缝衔接,促进“一带一路”沿线国家间的文化交流和经贸往来,朝着亚洲区域性航空公司迈进。In response to China's "ONE BELT ONE ROAD" development policy, Bayon Airlines intends to build on existing advantages while grasping the opportunity of a rising Cambodia aviation industry. Bayon Airlines plans to build a network that centers in Cambodia, covering ASEAN region . Committed to enhancing cultural and economical exchanges alongside the "ONE BELT ONE ROAD" region through air traffic services, Bayon Airlines is striding forward to becoming a major Asia regional airline company.











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